Sep 30, 2008

Are you kidding me??

Hey, I know what you're thinking:

Sheesh.......this chick doesn't have a life....2 posts in one day!!!!

Normally.....I would agree with you!!! Today-however-is NOT that day!!! I am writing now to tell you about my absolutely WONDERFUL (are you detecting the sarcasm??? cause you should) afternoon....

It started out pleasant enough. I had a half day today because I work this coming Saturday. What a B-E-A-UTIFUL day for a half day. I know, right??? Sun shining, cool breeze.......jeans and tee weather. I SOOOO had cool plans for today!! Planned to:

Leave the work place
Wash the Jeep
Go home change
Grab the pup
Grab the camera
Go to the park

You get the idea, right?!?!?!

Let me tell you how I only made it to number 2 on that list (which is gonna make this a tad more comical at the end).

Noon came around, I packed up my stuff and breezed out the door to the patiently waiting Jeep. I got in, put the windows down, opened the sunroof, and put on a little Night Ranger (Cool. I know, right??). Feeling wonderful, breathing the fall air.....singing Sentimental Street.....I know you can picture it.....SO STOP LAUGHING!!!! I pulled up to the carwash, apparently bugs enjoy commiting suicide on my Jeep because you couldn't even see the grill anymore, so I decided to take the easy way today and run it through one of those automatic carwash monsters. I fed it my money while singing "4 in the Morning".....rocking out =). I pull in, sit there and let the monster do it's thing. Knowing that I was just being lazy and should have done it myself.....but hey, it's beautiful out, so who wants to waste the day.......not me....maybe I should have...then I wouldn't have even had the afternoon that I did. Only problem with that is I live in an apartment and have no where to wash it myself =(...........que the "Jaws" music.......)

This is where everything went horribly wrong. I pulled out slowly (Just like the dryer instructions state to do......cause I follow directions =)).....I pull up behind a horrid orange monster called a -"Schneider National" semi. We are both waiting patienly to cross Highway 30.....I am singing my little heart out to "You Can Still Rock in America"........that's when I see the most horrifying thing I could see.....Did I mention that where I was, they were doing roadwork?? Well THEY WERE!!!

I have always thought that in order to drive a semi truck, you must go through a rigorous training program.......not to mention be able to SEE or use common sense?!?!? Apparently .....NOT!!

Now, I'll tell you what was in front of said semi truck......a highway department truck...with flashers on...that was NOT going anywhere anytime soon. Since the orange tank on wheels was already waiting at the light when I pulled up, I COULDN'T have seen it if I wanted to. I would have thought, however, that Stupid Schneider man WOULD have seen it BEFORE approaching the intersection. WRONGO!!!!

Here I am.....sitting....minding my own business....enjoying the sun and music....


Mr. Schneider Man must have realized he couldn't go that way.....Well......he decided, instead, to back it up and pull over a lane. Which in theory, would have been the correct thing to do......


Yep....I look up and see jack-ass backing right on up....This guy is going to hit me!! With out even thinking about it...I slammed it in reverse (after making sure no one was behind me, of course) and took my foot off the brake, just as his horrible nasty bumper made contact with my pretty shiny blue one. He pushed me a good little distance before I could back up far enough away from him. I just sat there in awe as he calmly pulled himself into the next lane.....


There was a wonderfully sweet highway worker...that started yelling at him:

"Hey, better be pulling over!!! You just hit this girl!!"

I understand that in these big little vehicles may not be seen, I can even understand how that when you back into one, you may not know it........

WHAT I refuse to accept is what happened next.....

The driver got out, we are still in the traffic lane mind you, walked up to me.....DIDN'T say "Hey are you okay" DIDN'T say "I'm sorry" DIDN'T do any of those things......Nope...he looked at my Jeep and said "No damage, no cops"......I will agree, the damage could have been a lot worse had I not slammed it in reverse and had my foot off the brake. My bumper is scratched pretty good, and my license plate bent, holder was bent into the bumper...but I'm no auto body specialist and I wouldn't take no for answer about filing a report. I would have hated to have something be wrong underneath that you can't see and NOT have a way to get it fixed. SURELY you all think I did the right thing?!?!? Since the damage was minimal and it could be driven, I suggested we pull across to the parking lot across the street and wait for Highway Patrol. Stupid driver...mumbled all the way back to his truck.....then came the 30 minute wait for HP. The whole time dude kept saying no damage.....I was angry!! He hit ME and HE was feeling put out?!?!?! Whatever. I got my report, so I guess I'll be calling the insurance the way....HP asked me "Were you wearing your seat belt??"...come on...SERIOUSLY?!?!?!

So much for my "no tickets, no accidents" record =(. I know it wasn't my fault...BUT STILL!?!?

I always used to think it was funny when people made the crack about washing your car and getting in an accident.......but I am LIVING PROOF it happens....I was less than 200 yards from the damn car ironic....

Sep 25, 2008

Dumb Dumb Dumb......

And the "Dumb Ass" Award of the day goes to...........

Have you ever seen something you weren't quite sure you really..truly..saw it?? I know, YOU KNOW what I mean!!! This morning, I awoke having great hopes for how today would go.....since yesterday turned out SOO freakin' miserable, it SERIOUSLY had no choice BUT to get better!!! =) I did my usual routine....shower, hair, myspace, make-up........typical girl stuff. Believe it or not...all went off with out a hitch!! YEAH ME!! I even got out the door on time!! YIPPEEE!!!

Any of you that REALLY know me can pretty well guess what my first stop in the morning is........anyone???......ANYONE???.....Okay, since I really can't hear you....I'll tell those of you that don't......My first stop in the morning, EVERY MORNING, is Quiktrip....Yep...good ol' QT. You see, I am a serious caffeine addict. I drink on average (the low side of said average..) about 148 ounces of Ice Tea daily....that's a typical work day, off days are much higher. Chances are...if you see me, you see my 52oz QT cup =). I've been told my bladder will fall out one day....We'll see...

This morning, I decided to take the scenic route to work...down Highway 141. Soooo....I decided to stop at the QT right past Hwy 21 on Hwy 141 (too many numbers??? Am I confusing you??). If any of you have ever been there...there's an odd sort of people that go in and out of there....questionable gene pool to begin with in my opinion. This morning sealed that thought for me.....

I went in and fought the masses to get my 2 caffeine fixes...a 52oz tea and a 44oz one. I hear you ALL me on this, if I could get two 52oz cups to fit in my Jeep cup holders, I would have two of them instead....ANYWAY...I paid for my tea and walked out to the car. By the time I got out there was no cars parked in like 8 spots around me....cue the village idiot...As I am trying to get into my Jeep with full hands, this beautiful tri-colored Chevy S-10 (by tricolored, I mean red, rust, and a foreign grey bumper) decides he wants to park right next to me on my driver's side. Now keep in mind there are at LEAST 8 other spots, but dude wants this particular one. I have my door half open and he is so close to the line on the passenger side, he would actually hit my door if I opened it. He's waiting so NOT patiently for me to get in, he keeps inching closer.....closer....closer. His wonderful little S-10 looks like no one would notice if he hit something else. It also has amazingly tinted almost can't see in. I start my Jeep and look over. Out steps grease ball, he looks like the word soap isn't even in his vocabulary. Not to mention the word shampoo. He had enough grease in his hair to fry everything at Micky D's for the day....EWWWW!!!

He walks towards the door. I look down to put away my money. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the tri-colored wonder backing first thought - guess he didn't need to go here tooo terribly bad, he's already leaving. JERK. Then I look straight ahead...grease ball is going IN the door of QT......before I go any further, I need to tell you one other tid bit about me. One or two of you may already know this...If I was riding in a car with you, and you weren't paying attention and were inches from connecting bumper to bumper with someone....I am not the one that's going to yell - "HEY, LOOK OUT". Nope, not I. I am the one the freezes, can't talk and won't move. If I'm holding hands with you, you may suddenly get a death grip. THAT IS ALL YOU WILL GET!!!

back to the story......

As I see Mr. McGreasy going in the takes me a second but it registers.....truck moving backwards.....grease ball outside of said truck....NO ONE IN SAID TRUCK!!! I look over and sure enough, unless some ghostly creature was driving.....Mr. Greasy Dumb ass didn't put the freakin' emergency brake on.....rolling out of the parking spot is the truck. I sat there was probably like half a second, but it felt way longer. I wanted to yell - "HEY DUDE"! but I couldn't. So I tapped my horn once, twice......dude did not even look up....FINALLY I laid on the horn. He looked dead at me like - "WHAT?!?!" He didn't even notice his ride was rolling on without him. I pointed at the truck and it took a second for him to register what HE was seeing.....By that time the truck was headed towards the gas pumps. He had to run to get it. He gets in and pulls it back up to the parking spot. I just sat there shaking my head. I watched him get out again, that's when I noticed he was wearing a uniform........wanna guess where dumb ass award winner works??? Come're not going to believe it........

Wait for it.......

Wait for it......>>>>>


Ya know......I don't think I'll be taking my JEEP there any time soon........=)

Sep 24, 2008

Okay last one!!

I know this is C-R-A-Z-Y!!! I went from no posts to 3 in a single day.........

Don't get used to it "K"?

I just feel the need to blow off some steam!!! Let me tell you about the kind of day I'm having. Ever have one of those wonderfully awesome days where things just go from intolerable to "are you f*cking kidding me??".

TODAY is that day my friends.....TODAY!!!

It didn't start out so bad....I wasn't late for the first time in a week and a half!!! YEAH ME!!! That's quite an accomplishment considering I went to the baseball game last night (Thanks Sheila =)). I did my normally simple little routine:

Walk in the door
De-activate the alarm
Check the cameras
Put up "all clear" sign
Start to balance ATM......

That's where the normally good day started it's nasty decent. The words that started it seem rather minute - "Hey Chris, the copier is out of toner." Let me first explain that some how over my course of being here, I got elected the supply goddess. That means that for whatever reason, no one here - but me, knows a lick about how to order ANYTHING - except lunch!!! I think to myself -"hey no problem, I ordered 2 the last time. Just in case this happened." Well that would have been fine and dandy had whomever loaded the last cartridge in had bothered to TELL ME!!! So you know what that meant, right??? WE HAD ZERO TONER. NONE. NADA. ZILCH. This is bad for me. As it happens, our copier is ALSO our printer. That means all the required documentation I need when opening an account can not be printed. It ALSO means that I can't even copy blank forms to fill out by hand!!! I AM SCREWED!!

We decided to call another branch and BEG for them to loan us a toner cartridge. We called several and finally found one that could help us out. Che'lia put a few miles on her monster truck to get it for us (THANK YOU)!! I breathed a major sigh of relief.........

If only it could have lasted................

Not to be. Before I go on, let me tell you what my attire consists of today - WHITE National City Polo - OFF WHITE khaki type pants.......remember this.

Our wonderful little powder filled miracle arrives in Che'lia's capable hands. 2 of them try and install said cartridge. No luck. I have customers at my desk in the mean time that are none to thrilled with the fact that I cannot print signature cards for their new account. I get out of my chair and proceed to help the the other 2 load the toner - (how many bank people does it take to replace a toner cartridge???) Apparently more than 3. They get it in, and the door won't close.....I DECIDE it's in backwards. I grab it and pull it out. Black toner is now all over my hands and I am trying DESPERATELY to keep my white clothes pristine. I now have positioned the cartridge in what I deemed the appropriate position. Mean while the customers at my desk are now starting to get annoyed, OK annoyed is an understatement. I calmly explain to them that I am trying to correct the issue and apologized and asked for their patience. I was promptly awarded with them telling me that they did not want to do business with us. So out the door went $20,000.00. Not my fault....SWEAR!!

back to the cartridge..........

I shove it in, shoving it in is NOT an exaggeration folks. In fact, I shoved it so hard, that I broke the damn thing......MY BAD!! Now toner or not, this damn copy machine IS NOT going to work. Oops. My hands look like I've been playing in the coal mines, and my pants have seen better days. We called the repair dude for the copy/printer at 10:00 am or so. THEY STILL AREN'T HERE!!! I have since had 2 or 3 more customers at my desk expressing their discontentment with our little toner/copier/printer issue. I have been yelled at, eyes rolled at, and told that they just can't do business with me.....FINE - get the hell out!!! I won't even BEGIN to tell you about the other man that degraded me at my own desk because I wouldn't do something his way........

Day hasn't gotten better yet - I have 11 checking accounts to open and a $120,000.00 Money Market......I STILL HAVE NO PRINTER!!! So that means I get to sit here and twiddle my thumbs until Mr. Fix it comes.......BLAH!!


Before I forget!!! I would love to remind you all that I love comments!!! Not expecting one on today's but for future posts!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PPPPLEASE......I'll keep writing if I know you're reading and I'll make it VERY entertaining!! PROMISE!!!

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Here I go again.......

Well.........I'M BACK!!! =)

I know some of you missed me, well at least I hope you missed my little stories! I apologize to all of you for having to delete my old blog. I kind of wish I hadn't. I had quite a few really great posts. It's just another thing I gave away and really shouldn't have had to!!! I could go into why and what for, but for those of you that really know me. You already have the answers to that. Really, those are the only ones that need to know that particular story..........Laugh, Love, Live.......then when it's time:


So that's EXACTLY what deleting that blog was supposed to help me do.....

You think it's working??? Some days - yes..........Some days - not so much.........
I have come to realize that I do it to myself. I have never been one of those people capable of pretending like things don't bother me or that I don't care. For some, it's a defense and I don't look down on anyone that does. We do what we do to survive. My survival tactics are a bit different, I have to delete everything. Myspace friends, blogs, text messages......things like that. Otherwise, I would drive myself to insanity....rereading.....remembering...rereading...remembering...

You get the idea.

I am coming to realize that in doing that, I am deleting part of myself and who I am. I end up deleting things I enjoy doing in life. For blog...I loved doing it, but contained so many memories for me, that to even have them there for me to reread was killing me. Six Flags...we all KNOW how much I love that I can't imagine I'll be back this on and so on.....

I'm trying to change my way of thinking by starting a new blog. Seeing if I can get that enjoyment out of it that I once got!! Today's post was rather blah, I am making a solemn promise to all of you and myself that it will be one of few, if anymore, that will be sad. I'm MOVING ON!!!