Last night while I was laying in bed....I started to think.
I was starting to feel old and I began to revisit old memories. How many of you ever do this? Is it just me? Is it some weird affliction I have?? I lay there and tried to see what my earliest memory was.....
It's kind of strange the things we choose to remember, or maybe we don't choose. Maybe some weird cosmic force decides for us. Maybe we remember things for a reason, although some of my memories leave me baffled as to why they're still floating around in the vast cavern I call my memory. I wonder if they're important in some bizarre fashion...will they give me direction when I feel lost??? Some maybe. Others? I doubt it.
As far as I can tell, the earliest thing I can remember has to do with my first real bed. I guess I must have been about 5 or so?? My Mom would know but I'm not sure. I can see it clear as day. I remember almost every little detail about that bed, in fact, I remember just about everything in my bedroom in general. I haven't lived in that house since I was like 9 or 10, but I remember. It was a white canopy bed with gold trim and the canopy was this cute patchwork like design. It was still big for me. Standing next to it, it came up to just below my shoulders. I had to throw myself up on it when I tried to get in it. I absolutely loved it. The canopy became the place where I put my teeth when they finally fell out, the tooth fairy would leave me 2 quarters for every tooth......I wonder what she leaves these days??? I hear it's like 5 bucks!! My room was in the basement and there was an old door that no one used anymore that lead to the outside. In the window of that door, I always had a paper Japanese Lantern that hung there. Every 4th of July we would get one to light off, I would watch it spin round and round throwing off pretty sparks. When it was done it would pop open and reveal a cute paper lantern. Then mom would hang it in my room in that window. I had a few posters on the wall. Popeye was one - the one with Robin Williams. I think I had a few animal posters too. They used to scare me sometimes........
I'm not sure what possible use I may ever have for remembering that. Who knows??
OH!! I have one other and my Mom is going to love me for this.
It took me forever to learn how to ride a bike. My brother who is a year younger than me learned before I did. I was quite content to ride my pink and white big mom decided she was going to teach me. I remember the bike clearly. It was Blue and it had a red, white, and blue sparkly banana seat and streamers on the handle bars that matched. My mom held the back of the bike and let me pedal. Apparently she had been letting go here and there and just walked behind me. I guess I was okay as long as I knew she was holding on. I happened to look back and realized she wasn't holding on.......
Not a mild freak but hysterics....screaming my little head off. In an attempt to get my attention, because her telling me to stop was having zero effect, she reached out to slap my check to get my attention. I was in a zone. About the time she reached out, I turned my head....
Can you guess what happened??? Any idea???
WHAMO!!! - right in my nose...for a normal little kid it probably wouldn't have done much damage, but I didn't happen to be normal. Never have been. Never will. I happened to be one of those awesomely lucky kids that had nose bleeds for no particular reason. soon as hand connected with nose, the bleeding began. So the freak out continued. I jumped off my bike and ran crying down the alley. If you were a neighbor or nosy busybody, you would have yelled CHILD ABUSE!!!
Now the only message I get from that memory is - DO NOT WHACK LILY IN THE NOSE!!! Sounds good anyway.
I don't know why I'm sharing all this with you, maybe cause this is my blog and I CAN???
Then there's always the "first" memories. The first bike ride. The first best friend. First days at new schools (I had a few of those). It's funny how those "first" memories bring back the actual feelings. I can feel the fear and nausea just thinking about my first day of high school. Fear of getting lost, fear of forgetting my schedule, fear of forgetting my locker combination......well...just fear of everything. To make matters worse...I was unusually scared of EVERYTHING!!! It made things a billion times worse for me.
How about your "first" kiss??? I know there's got to be tons of you out there that remember that moment in detail???
Come on, be honest....
I know I can't be the only one to remember the butterflies in the stomach, the heat rising to your face, and the nervous anticipation. I remember.....I remember clearly.
I'll not disclose names, but I'll just use initials for anonymity. MS was the first boy who ever kissed me. I was 14 and I remember everything right down to the song playing on the jukebox in my basement. It was a cool basement, we had a pinball machine and a jukebox (it played 45's..yeah, I'm THAT old). It was right after school started for the year or right before. I had never ever kissed a boy in my life. I had a "boyfriend" in 8th grade, but back then it was only hand holding and he actually broke up with me because I wouldn't kiss him...stupid boys...ANYWAY....we were in the basement playing pinball I believe, the dumbest song ever was playing on the jukebox .......
Don't laugh....
It was "Wild Wild West" - by The Escape Club. I guess it was cool at the time cause I was playing it?!?! I remember the butterflies, I remember the music..I remember it all. To this day, if that song comes on...that's the memory that pops in my be young again.
Don't get me wrong, there's quite a few bad memories that I doubt I'll ever be able to erase. But to be perfectly honest, I don't think I'd want to. Everything that happened in my life, well it happened for a reason. I wouldn't have learned the lessons with out the mistakes. I wouldn't be near as strong if my life had been sugarplums and candy canes......I wouldn't trade any lesson I learned for a million bucks. I might go back and redo somethings a little different if I could.....
But I can't.
And there's no use spending my days wishing I could. I just know better next time.
Every path I chose, every choice I me where I am today. I wouldn't have it any other way. My life hasn't been easy but I have so many good memories, they out weigh the bad. I just hope that my little Lily has wonderful memories like some of the ones I have to look back on when she's older.
Feb 6, 2010
Looking back.....
Posted by Miss Priss at 3:43 PM
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You nailed it right on the head.... those events that happened in our lives, good and bad, shaped us to be the people we are today. I have several decisions i wish i would have made differently, several events i wish i could have handled better, mistakes i wish i could correct. But we cant.... in our day and age there is no time machine.... and who is to say that things would have worked out the way i would have liked them to if they happened differently...
i too remember my earliest memory... i had to have been 3 or 4. It was halloween and i was a green hoblin goblin, you remember those costumes... they consisted of a blow up hat you tied to your head (there was the green goblin, the white ghost and the black bat). then you smeared your entire face with the corresponding makeup (mine being green) and then i believe there was some sort of cape or other vinyl type of top to wear. We went to my mom's parent's house first. i remember walking in the front door. My grandpop was sitting on the couch to my right, but when i walk in wearing my costume... he yelled "aaaaaahhhhhh" (loudly), got up and ran into the kitchen and out the back door. OMG.... i was so upset, i scared pop..... he came back in and played it off that i had frightened him because he didnt realize it was me at first. Latter that evening was my second earliest memory.... we were at my dad's parent's house and i was sitting on the counter next to the sink and grandmom was using everything she could think of to try and removed the green makeup off of my face..... soap and water... rubbing alcohol.... cold cream.... you name it, she tried it. The bulk off the makeup came off.... however.... it stained my skin. Yup, that's right i was green for about a week after halloween until subsequent scrubbings finally worked the dye out of my skin (so my mom had told me). needless to say, those costumes are no longer on the market, lol.
My first boyfriend was RB in kindergarten, lol. My first kiss.... i was in 4th grade (about 10) and there were 5 of us, 3 girls and 2 boys, and we decided to play spin the bottle. WL was my first real kiss. yup, i know.... corrupted by peer pressure, lol. learning to ride a bike.... i caused injury to my dear father when i crashed my bike into him and the neighbor's car... he wasn't happy with me that day and he was limping pretty bad back to the house. (sorry daddy)
do you remember the old cartoons were you'd follow the words of the song by following the bouncing ball? Well, when my parents would take me camping, my mom would sing "you are my sunshine" to me while we walked from our campsite to the bathhouse and back and she'd use the flashlight on the ground and make it bounce for each word in the song. (needless to say, the first night i held my newborn daughter, i sang this same song to her, minus the flashlight).
Treasure your old memories.... write them down so that you'll have your stories to share with Lily in the coming years. also, the more you write them down... the more you'll remember.
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