Dec 27, 2008

I hate working Saturdays......

First.....let me say, for the record.....


Not because I had to be not at all. I had accepted the fact that I had to be here. I didn't like it, but I had accepted it. Christmas has been a 4 day long event, I was exhausted already.

It started with Christmas Eve at 4pm, stayed out until 11:00pm.

Got up at 7:00 am Christmas Day and didn't make it back until 10:30 pm.


I got up at 6:45am yesterday and worked from 8:30am until 6:15pm.

After work, I had more Christmas stuff until like 10:00pm.


I had to get up at 6:45 am this morning to be here!!!

And tonight is the LAST of the Christmas starts at 7:00 pm.

I think I need a serious nap!!

ANYWAY........yesterday sucked SOOOO bad because it was SO slow!! I literally got paid to do NOTHING yesterday. I sat my butt in this chair for 9 + hours.....I'm not sure which is more exhausting...working my butt off or sitting here staring at the wall. I'm pretty sure it's the latter...... I am back here YET AGAIN....and I really just want to go home!!! Wanna know why??....TOO BAD>>>I'm gonna tell ya anyway!!

We open at 9:00 am every Monday through Saturday(holidays when we are closed are the ONLY exceptions) doesn't deviate...we have never opened earlier...nor have we ever decided, for the hell of it, to open later!!

It's 9:00 am people!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!

It's amazing to me how many of our regular visitors must lose their brain between Friday night and Saturday morning!!

I arrived here at 8:15 am this morning. I was running a bit early and thought that was okay. I figured I could come in, relax, check my email, etc. I no sooner got the door open when I hear the phone ringing......Now technically we really don't have to answer the phone until 9:00 am.....There have been times when we just sit here and let that phone ring, ring,'s pretty amazing how persistent people can be, it's like they have a little spy camera some where in here and they just KNOW someone is here. You can almost picture them on the other end:

Gritting their teeth

Phone clutched in hand and glued to their ear

Frightening grimace on their face that gets worse with every ring

Through the gritted teeth, you can hear:


Well....I'm beginning to think that's exactly what I should have done this morning, but no.....I decided I would be nice(I know it's hard to believe, but it does happen sometimes). As I set my tea down, I grabbed the was the start of my crappy Saturday:

Me: (Very Pleasantly)Thank you for calling National City, Fenton. How can I help you??

Caller: (Very Rudely) can tell me WHY you people charged me $72.00 in fees!

Me:(still rather pleasant) Okay Ma'am, I'd be happy too but I just walked in the door and I do not have my computer up yet. If you would like to call back in 15 minutes or so.......(cut off)

Caller: (still horribly rude) What do you mean??? Don't you people know that my time is valuable and I don't have time for this crap?? You can help me now!!

Me: (pleasant) I need my computer to assist you. I can give the 1-800 number if you wish, they can help you now.

Caller: (a plain bitch) You're pretty useless. Why do I even bother with you people?? Give me the damn number...

Me: (monotone) Here's the number, you have a good morning.

Caller: (evil bitch) Whatever, learn how to do your, end of call.

Here's what I really wanted to say.......

Look lady(not really the word), We don't open until 9. We never open before 9. What makes you think I have a little magic bank fairy in my f*cking pocket that has all the answers to your stupid questions??? No, I have a computer. It has to be turned on to be used and that takes about 15 minutes. I can't help that you're not a math genius, and therefore can't balance your own damn check book. it's simple addition and subtraction, LEARN IT!! Until then you can call me back in 15 minutes or call and harass someone else.......COMPRENDE???

Unfortunately, it is required that I remain composed at all times....too bad.

That was the start of my lovely Saturday work shift. It is now 10:00 am and I haven't waited on one damn person.....nope....I have been sitting here staring at this screen. That lady hasn't called back....YET.....the teller's computers have crashed twice and something tells me that between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm, it's going to be horrible!!

Saturdays SUCK!!!

Dec 26, 2008

Here and gone.....

Does anyone else ever feel blah the day after Christmas??? it's kind of bizarre to me how for months we build it up, build it up.....

Then TA-DA - It's here!!

Suddenly.......FLASH - It's gone....=(

Just like that. What makes it worse is - I have to work today. Before you ask...


Make no mistake, I am being a full fledged baby today. If I thought stomping my feet and screaming hysterically would get me out of here, I would DEFINITELY be doing just that...I would be the biggest 5 year old you have ever seen!!! But alas....I am subject to another 8 hours of goes on I suppose. Could be worse, I could be unemployed......

I hope everyone had a spectacular holiday =).......Mine was pretty good!! I got a few cool things for Christmas,like:

A Vintage Cabbage Patch Doll - soft face and all!!

An 80's CD Box Set - way cool

A pretty Sweater - Pink, it's toasty warm. I'm wearing it now!!

Perfume - Paris Hilton's Fairy Dust

I got a few other things, but no need to list them all!! Harley even had a super Christmas! She got:

A Jeep T-Shirt - She will LOVE it

A Jeep Backpack - It's pink, maybe people will stop calling her a he...

A bunch of toys - She's "destructo" so we go through them quite quickly!!

A Pedi - Paws thing - she's not real thrilled with this, but I am!!

Getting some gifts is nice, but you know what?? It's not the best part of the holiday for me, nope.....not even close. The best part for me, now and always, is spending it with my family. Most of all - my Mom. Yeah, I're all tearing up...sorry I am being kind of sappy today's my blog and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about it...So THERE!!!

Okay....SO....remember how I was sort of "scared" about my Mom's new Christmas "tradition"? I should learn to have more faith =)..It was actually pretty cool and I can't wait to do it again next year!!! She had like 10 little gifts all wrapped up. Her and Kerry(my Step-Dad, for those of you who do not know) had a list of Christmas trivia questions, the rules were simple (you would think):

1.Kerry read a question.

2. If you had the correct answer, you were supposed to yell out your own name.

3. Whom ever yelled out their name first, got to answer.

4. If you got it right, you got to pick a prize from the bag.

Doesn't seem all that complicated.....right???

Let me tell you, from experience, that yelling out your own name was harder than it seemed. I wasn't the only one with a problem!! The first question, I yelled the answer, oops. We had people raising their hands - instead of name was really funny. My 8 year old nephew - Zack - seemed like he was the only one who could follow directions from the word - GO!! He won like 4 prizes, I am proud to say that I won 3 myself!! WHOO HOO!!! Mom said it needs a little tweaking....but I think I got why she really came up with it.....

So often at Christmas, everyone gets together and instead of actually being "together" you have little groups here and there and everyone under the same roof but doing their own thing. Only when you opened gifts were you all in the same room. During that time you're not really talking or having fun together, it's kind of an organized "mass chaos"!! This little tradition will give us all the opportunity to have some fun and enjoy each other, all together!! We can sit back and sort of - take a break - and have some fun together!! I really liked it. I hope we all keep this going!!

I have to commend my Mom this year. It has been a tough year for her and she still made it a very memorable Christmas for all of us. She has watched us go through things, her and Kerry's own health issues, not to mention she takes care of my Grandpa too.




Recently her and Kerry have discovered my little "Drama Spot" and now follow me!! I really think it's pretty cool. So I have something I want to tell her:

I just don't think I tell her thank you enough. Not for things she gives me, or does for me. I want to thank her for who she is. I love her more than anything on this Earth. Anyone who knows me, knows that if you don't like my Mom - I don't like you. If you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me!!! I want her to know that I realize how much work it took to keep our family together. I understand some of the things she sacrificed for us and I am grateful everyday for who she has helped me to become. I want her to know that even though I may do things she doesn't agree with, that she can trust that she taught me right from wrong and that I have a good head on my shoulders and I have it because she was there. I can sit here and say thank you over and over, but in my own mind it would never be enough. But I will continue to say it every opportunity I get.

Thank you Mom for everything you have done, everything you have taught me, and everything you are. No one could ever come close to holding the space you hold in my heart.........


PS......thanks for not making corn crap!!! HA HA!! It was nice to be wrong......for ONCE!!!! Although a new "crap" took it's place - "Sweet Potato Crap" - ewwww...

Dec 23, 2008

It's almost here......

I know it's been almost a week, ok it has been a week, since I have written anything.........

Hey, I gave your brain a break.......did you miss me???

Nah, I didn't think so......

I have been so busy trying to get stuff ready for Christmas. The shopping, the cooking, typical stuff. I hate to have crap to do last minute, so I guess you could say I'm a "Christmas Over-Achiever". Actually any of you that really know me, you are well aware I am very much one!! I like things to be just so. From wrapping gifts that make you NOT want to disturb the paper, to making my Banana Split Cake(I usually end up throwing(literally) my first attempt because it's not right and then I burst into tears =)!! I want things to be perfect....maybe that's why I end up screwing up at stuff.....who knows. I am who I am....ANYWAY.....

Sunday I made a trip to my Mom's to drop off my gifts, so I wouldn't have so much to lug around Christmas Eve. Good idea, huh?? Of course it is =).....I also figure by dropping off my gifts now, I can't get in trouble for buying so much stuff....maybe no one will notice???? I have a problem...I hate to leave anyone out, so I always try to get everybody something, even if it's small. I don't expect everyone to get me something, that's not why I do it. I do it because I want them to know I was thinking about them....I know sounds silly, but that's just me.

I have to tell you..I am terrified.

While I was at Mom's, she informed me that she was starting a new Christmas tradition....ok??....I asked what she had planned and she would NOT share. She said I'd have to wait and see......I am SCARED!!! What could she possibly be up to?? I think it would be neat to have a new tradition. We don't really have anything that is unique to us. We celebrate Christmas Eve and I know the menu by heart:


Kerry's Hashbrown Casserole (he puts orange marmalade on it...ewww)

Green Bean Casserole(my job, that apparently I screwed up for years before they told me!!!)

Corn Crap (It's like the corn stuff you get from Chevy's or Casa, it's corn and some kind of cornbread or something - I LOATHE it!!! But I eat it....ewww)

Red Velvet Cake (If she makes it from scratch, it's AWESOME. It's okay from the box)

Banana Split Cake (My great aunts used to make this and some how I inherited it, I HAVE to make it every year, I guess that's my tradition!!)

I kinda can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve!!! I sort of feel like a little kid!! I know this isn't one of my typical little posts, it's not quite as entertaining as usual!! But 'tis the season and I am quite busy!! I'm sure before the week is over I'll have some amusing little tid bit to share!!

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!

Dec 17, 2008

Bank window!!

I know, I know.......ANOTHER dang post!!!
Well, I took pics of my creation at work and thought I'd share it with you!! It's the front window of my work, I decorate every Christmas!!
I know it's hard to believe that I can be creative!!!! HA!!

Water shortage?????

Is there some national or world water shortage going on that I am NOT aware of??? There almost has to has to be the ONLY reason for me to be writing about what I am today.......if not, then people are just plain gross.

I debated on whether or not to write about this, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I got!!! It doesn't make sense to me, and you are probably REALLY wondering what the hell I'm talking about....and I'm about to tell you......

I work in a public building. The restrooms we use are used by our customers every once in a while......SO.....I want to know WHY people, when using a public restroom, can't or won't flush?!?!?

Do they think they're doing the planet a service by conserving water???

NO!! There isn't any water shortage that I'M aware of!!!

Do they think people that follow are dying to see what they did - like a kindergartner coming home with a macaroni necklace???


Is it laziness???

PLEASE tell me exactly how much energy it takes to place your finger on the little lever and push?? NOT MUCH!!!

Or is it that we have become SO spoiled and dependant on modern technology(you know, the auto flushers) that we don't even bother????

It's just plain SAD!!!!

I don't think that it's too much to ask to make SURE your eliminations are dealt with properly!!!! Turn around, look, flush. End of story. I do NOT want to come in behind you and see what you have done. I don't need to, definitely DO NOT want to!!! EWWWW...........It's not like when you were a baby and everyone wanted to see your doody!!! It's sick, it's gross, and UNCALLED for!!!


Seriously??? If the same people that do this crap in public restrooms, do they do it at home??? Is there some - You have to use the bathroom 2x before flushing rule?? I HIGHLY doubt it!!! They need to try using the same consideration when they're out that they use at home!!!

I guess you can count this as my - PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - for the month!!!

Dec 16, 2008

Few good pics from Saturday

This is Che-lia(center) and her brother Ron and sister Dorothy

Here's (left to right) Me, Tonya, Che-lia, Laura....

Then we have - Joe, Me, Che-lia, and Tonya

I think Che-lia really liked her sucker!!!

Just wanted you guys to know that I DID take pictures of normal people Saturday night!!!!

Come on......really???

Ok people.........

I don't get it. Every year I am constantly amazed at what I see when a snowflake falls........

You all know what a road rager I have become(more of a closet road rager,actually). This time of year really is starting to get me a tad bent out of shape. Most of you have lived here ALL your life, that being said.....SNOW is NOT a foreign concept to you or me, nor should it be to the hundreds of thousands of other idiots that live here!!! see it EVERY year:

The first snowflake falls and the first idiot winds up in the nearest ditch!!! The roads can be dry as a bone, but you better believe there will be some moron with a license in just about every ditch and crevice along any major thoroughfare!!! I wanna know, exactly, HOW THE HELL DO THEY GET THERE?? Are they being proactive?? Do they figure - I'll end up here eventually, so might as well get it over with?? Try as I might.....I can't seem to rationalize what I see. I guess I should just give it up?!?!? Now, I am not perfect.....all of the time =)....but when it comes to driving, I feel I have the right to voice my views. I have never gotten a ticket, and until the moron in the Schneider National tank backed into me - have never really had an accident. I am careful, I am observant(as long as what I need to see is right in front of me), and I make sure to take utmost care when driving in inclement weather......wait....maybe I am PERFECT!!!! HA!!

My other favorite Winter driver is the "I have 4 wheel drive so I can drive like a jack ass" driver. You have seen them, in fact - when it happens to actually be a rough drive due to snow or ice - they are the ones barreling down the road in the fast lane while others are taking precautions and being quite careful.....funny part is....they're also the ones you see a mile or two down the road in a ditch!!!! This is where we take our revenge by honking and waving as they try to flag you down for help!!!! What you REALLY want to do is - stick out your tongue and go na na na - na na - na!! Most of us will forgo actually doing this in reality, but in our minds we are five and you know we just GOTTA!!!

I think most people must have - what I like to call "Seasonal Amnesia". We see the fluffy white stuff EVERY YEAR!! It's not new, it will be back next year and next year the same incompetent drivers will be in the same ditches!!! You can bank on it!!!

I gotta tell you what blew my mind this morning!! It's what got me to thinking about this stuff:

Last night, when I went to bed, I watched the news and got the weather report -you know, that's the job I should have....terrorize people with your reports and then watch the "shock and awe" when you're wrong(please detect the sarcasm, lots of it) which is 90% of the time!!! Not to mention - GET PAID FOR IT!!! Anyway....they were saying how horrible the rush hour drive in to work was going to be, so I adjusted my alarm accordingly. If it's one thing I hate more than anything, it's to be late. I am habitually early if anything. I got myself up and ready this morning, warmed up the Jeep and off on my merry way I went. Now we didn't quite get what was predicted - SURPRISE SURPRISE......NOT!!! After what I saw....I think we're lucky we didn't!!!

I had to make my usual caffeine stop at QT. I made it there in normal time, so I was in and out. As I'm driving up 141, I find myself behind this huge SUV that is crawling at about 30 mph in a 60 mph zone. The roads here had NOTHING on them, not even wet!!! COME ON......REALLY???? So while cursing under my breath....I pull over in the left lane to go around. I can't help but look over as I's what I saw:

There was a lady driving......on her ear, lodged between her head and shoulder is.....TA-DA...a cell phone...go figure. In the right hand was a make up brush that was furiously painting!! In the left hand, the one that was supposed to at least be on the steering wheel...was a cigarette that she was puffing like mad!! That means she was driving with her knees??? I have heard of multi-tasking but this was just plain ridiculous!!!! Can you even imagine what it would have been like had the roads been as predicted?!?!?!? I can guarantee this lady wouldn't have broken stride and would have been doing EXACTLY the same damn thing!!!! Who gets in their vehicle and decides it will drive itself??? At least she wasn't texting...huh?!?!? All I can say is - GET A BRAIN PEOPLE!!!

Okay....well there's my rant for the day...guess I better do some work!!!

Dec 15, 2008


You're probably wondering why I chose my title for this.......and TRUST ME...I'll get to that...I PROMISE!!

I was sick all last week. If you'd have talked to me, you would have thought I was on my death bed, as dramatic as I can KNOW I felt that way!! I know everyone gets sick, but when EVERY one else gets it....I don't have to suffer=)!! Saturday night I was feeling a bit better and decided Joe and I would venture out for a bit that evening........So begins my little story......

My wonderful friend Che-lia wanted to go out for her birthday, so a bunch of us from work and some of, well most of her family, went to a grill/bar on Gravois close to Taft in the city. The place itself was quite cute. Exposed brick walls, red painted ones that weren't and all in all had some first glance that is......

We were a bit early, so we grabbed a seat and attempted to order some food. Let me also take this opportunity to tell you that I was to be alcohol free for the evening. I was taking a strong antibiotic and I wanted to make sure it did it's thing and I was not ABOUT to risk it. So it was Ice Tea for me, Bud Select for him and keys for me to drive home =)!! I gained a whole new perspective that night by going out and being the ONLY one NOT participating in the alcohol madness....We will get there...I promise!! Che-lia and her husband and whole entourage showed up and apparently the party had begun a bit earlier. SHE had already had at least one fishbowl size margarita ( I know this because she must have told us 10x AFTER she got to where we were!!! LOL!!). Might I also add that she is not the typical drinker, she doesn't do it very a little goes a LONG LONG WAY!!

But this story really isn't about her. It's about the WONDERFUL group of women (I think that's what they were) that claimed a table right next to our large group. When the first lovely (PLEASE NOTE>>>I am using LOTS of sarcasm) lady first glance...she appeared to be a bag lady - you know homeless, carrying a blue grocery store bag. I was praying this lady wasn't with Che-lia's family. She wasn't but she had a girl/boy friend. We couldn't tell which. Then more started arriving.......the only way I can think to describe this little group is this.....Have anyone of you EVER seen the movie "Shallow Hal"?? If you haven't then I HIGHLY suggest you see it......There is a scene where "Hal" is at a club dancing with what he is POSITIVE are the most B-E-A-UTIFUL women on the Earth......when in all actuality they show you that they are horrendous. The women at this table could have been their doubles....I know that's mean and I apologize right now, but when you don't just get hit by the "ugly stick", but the whole damn "ugly tree" gets you.......WOW....just WOW.....take a gander at the pics below. I though you might want to see them as proof positive of my description:

But you know, it's not even how they looked so much as WHAT they were doing while they were there that had ALL of us going - OMG!!! WTF??? OH no...
Most of us when we go out, go to have a couple drinks and listen to the band and dance.....did I mention there was a bad....I mean band there?? Oh yes and it was loud, that's all I will say for the music. Remember that grocery bag I mentioned?? Well.....
It contained things like a box of Christmas cards, Tupperware catalogs, and god knows what else. Picture if you will:
3 or 4 women that broke the ugly tree, sitting at a table with cigarettes hanging out the side of their mouths.....filling out their Christmas cards while doing their version of "bumping and grinding" in their chairs and shopping for Tupperware at the SAME time...Yeah....I saw wasn't pretty. Did I mention that they even made the guitar player for the band a card and stopped him from playing to give it to him????? OMG!! WTF??? It had to be the most BIZARRE little group I have EVER encountered or maybe will EVER encounter.....I have video too!! Just think....I might have missed all this had I been drinking myself!! All I can say is:
OMG!!! WTF????

Dec 11, 2008 I'm not dead.....YET

I bet you guys are all wondering if I dropped off the face of the Earth again.......


Nope, until just about an hour ago, I have pretty much been bed ridden with strep. Eww...and why me??

Let me let you in on a little tid bit about me. I don't get sick, nope not me. I have no idea why, but when any of you come down with whatever the affliction of the day is....It never quite makes it to me. I can sit next to you, drink out of your glass, or all but kiss you and STILL not even get so much as a sniffle. I know - BOO HOO- stop whining, right??

That leads me to another little tid bit about me:


Here I go:


Yep, a great big ol' baby. At 34, the only thing I want when I actually get sick, is my Mom. You would think somewhere along the line I would have grown out of this phase, but sadly - NO!!! Make fun if you want...but secretly you all want your Mommies too!! I know you do, no use in denying it!!!

I have to say I have gotten much better about not letting her know that I still feel like I'm 10 sometimes =)!!

I started feeling "blah" on Monday night. I went to bed smothered with 3 comforters, sweats, and socks and STILL froze my behind off!!! Tuesday morning brought zero relief, in fact, all I wanted was to stay in bed and sleep......

No luck, I got my self up dressed and off to work.....Not for long though. I had a fever and they sent me home under direct orders to call a doctor.......UMMM....Did I mention that I despise doctors??? Hate them.....dread them.....well, you get the point!! I went home as directed, called the doctor and they were my mind I was doing a happy dance!! Yes, I'm the moron who would rather suffer than see a miserable ol' doctor.........

Can you say- S-T-U-P-I-D??? Yeah, I know!!!

I stayed on the couch for the rest of the day, minus the hour or so to go get an Xmas tree for Joe and go to Kmart for some lights for said tree. I was feeling a bit better being up and mobile.......maybe Wednesday would be a better day.....

Uhhhh......Not so much =(

I got up feeling 10x worse....I could barely function....It was an utter miserable experience just to get out of bed. So I called in sick (I HARDLY EVER DO), and then I did what I dreaded doing....I called the doctor.

THAT was an experience in itself....

First let me say:

If you don't LIKE your job....find a new one!!!

The receptionist lady who answered the phone at my doctor's office was the most unpleasant woman I have encountered on the phone. Imagine a overweight woman, filing her nails, rolling her eyes....You get the idea......She was so pleasant!!! NOT!!! I asked if they had openings for that day, she said no, booked solid, no sorry or let me see if I have any cancellations, but flat out NO WAY!! She said - how about Thursday, I said sorry I have to work, but I'm off Friday. She either was hard of hearing or plain didn't listen. Her response was - You can come in Thursday, You'll get a note.

Okay....I said I'm off Friday, do you have anything for then? Then.....after telling me there was absolutely nothing open on the day that I called- Wednesday- she says - Can you come in at 2:30 pm today???


Did I miss something or am I crazy??? Was she saving that spot for somebody special??? Wow. I told her I could definitely make it in. I also said - Thank You- to which her response was - Uh huh......Nice.

I went in to the doctor and was told I have strep and a pulse of 90/60. They gave me antibotics and a doctor's note saying that I can't go back to work until Monday!! Now here I sit after I drug myself off the couch to shower, feeling a bit better. Not sure, but I think laying around makes you feel much worse. I was starting to get a stiff neck from doing nothing!!!!

I just wanted reassure you all that I was alive and well and still feel good enough to write!!! I know....YOU'RE ALL SO THRILLED!!!! Ha!!

Dec 6, 2008

9ft tree - 8 ft ceilings??'s the question:
How do you get a 9 ft tree into an apartment with 8ft ceilings????
Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done!!! It can!! This was the dilemma I was faced with about 2 weeks ago (yes, I had my tree up BEFORE Thanksgiving!). I had bought this beautiful 9 ft pre-lit tree last year when I had vaulted ceilings. I hadn't thought about only having 8 ft ceilings at any point and I thought I was screwed. Here I had this VERY EXPENSIVE tree that I didn't think I could use......
With a little ingenuity.........
Take a look:

This tree was made in 5 parts. Each part plugged into the one below it until you got to the top. It ended up being quite simple!! I eliminated the bottom piece which took off about a foot and a half off the height!!! I started with the second piece and plugged it's cord directly into the wall!!


9 ft tree just became 7 1/2 ft tree!!! It still managed to look very cool!!! Thank god for modern technology =)!!

OH!!! I can't forget to also thank the awesome guy that helped me solve this dilemma!!! =)


Dec 5, 2008

Few requested pics!!

Here's a few pics of some of my fellow apartment dweller's b-e-a-utiful lights!!

I'm sure I'll definitely have more to follow!!

Since when.........

Please tell me something..........

Since WHEN did human nature manage to make us look stupid??? If you're a man and you have an answer to this - you'd be WELL advised to keep your trap shut =) and thank you in advance.....

First let me tell you exactly WHY this question is being asked.

We all know how bone chilling cold it was yesterday morning, we were all cutting glass with various parts of our bodies (and you know EXACTLY what I mean!!), but that's not where this story is going, nope not at all...

Yesterday.......I was a girl, wait let me take that back...I was human. This does not mean I was stupid, so think again....well..when I get to the story you may NOT agree with that! Here it goes:

My morning started out like any other normal morning......

Alarm went off

I hit snooze

Alarm went off

I hit snooze

Alarm went off

I decided it was time to get my lazy butt out of bed. That, and Harley (my four legged furry roommate) was giving me that "If you don't get up and put some DAMN clothes on and take my wiggly butt outside, you're gonna be sorry" look, so I decided she may be right. The last time I doubted her, I swear she grinned and promptly relieved herself on my favorite comforter......did I mention I was UNDERNEATH it??? I got up, put on my warmest puffy coat and hooked the brat to the leash. Off we went. I will have to say that Harley is the most efficient morning reliever I have ever seen. Out the door, down the stairs, feet hit the number 1 and 2 at the same time...BAM...we're done!!! Yee Haw!!Apparently SHE hates the cold as much as I do and therefore she ain't picky!!! The rest of my morning routine went off without a hitch. I got ready and bundled myself back up to face the bitter cold......

I made it out to my Jeep, started it. Let me tell you how much I DETEST the cold!! I am so not a "below 75 degree" girl. Good example - I run a heater at my desk 365 a year. That's the middle of August when you all are sweating your butts off...I am sitting right here toasting my self with a space heater~!!!!! I have already managed to kill 2 space heaters this year....... The Jeep was aboslutely freezing, my seats were like rocks. I sat there a minute letting it warm up. Teeth chattering I backed out of my spot and slowly made it out of my complex. It doesn't take long for that little Liberty to start kickin' out the heat so once I got to the road it was starting to warm inside...when I got to the road, I started hearing a whistling sound like a window was open...if any of you remember my previous blog - windows are so not something I have had luck with lately. I checked to make sure all four windows were up, and they were. Hmmm.........

I have a sunroof =)....Normally that is an extremely awesome thing. That morning, not so much. I lifted my hand up and felt a slight breeze...AH HA!!! Here was the source of my whistling. No problem, close the more whistling. Uhhhh....WRONGO!! I pushed the little button to close it.....CLUNK!! AWWW man you have GOT to be kidding me!! Here's where good ol' human nature rears it's insane head.....

The right thing to do would have been NOT TO TOUCH IT!!! It's cold outside, the sunroof is closed, except for the slight tiny crack where the whistling noise was emitting from. The little voice in the back of my brain kept repeating:





The little monster that controls my hands and fingers, well......let's just say he wasn't taking orders today. I knew better....but I did it anyway....I hit the little button with the "V" on it - for vent. That means sunroof doesn't open, just the back part lifts up for air - in case you didn't worked fine...vented it was =)...Then once again, I hit the little close button. I closed my eyes and prayed.....


CLUNK - Again..this time it was more awful sounding than the last.....not to mention now the damn thing was stuck open.....out went the came the cold....If only I would have left it alone....UGH!!!! It's kind of like driving by a horrible accident - you know you shouldn't look, but you just can't help it. I believe it's called human nature...Here's where I had to laugh at myself. I got to work and I was furious at myself. I pulled into my parking spot and thinking it "may have just needed a rest or something" ....I tried the damn sunroof again. I hit the buttons - same result....suprised??? Yeah, I didn't think so....

Guess what I did next!!! Like I even had any idea what I was looking for....I opened the Jeep door stood inside and tried to see why it wouldn't close!!!! that WOULD fix it???? As if looking at it would will it to work.....I got back in the Jeep and tried it AGAIN!!! I kept hoping it was just a fluke thing and would work in a minute....................

I called Southtown Dodge.

I took it in this morning and they had to order a new sunroof for it. They also tried to sell me lots of service crap....Do they only do this to women??? Are we supposed to be stupid??? DON'T ANSWER THAT!!!! THEY don't know what's wrong with the sunroof..........but I bet I KNOW what broke it......... =)


Wanna guess???

Ok but don't tell anyone.........

I think it was FROZEN!!! Did I tell you I lacked patience???

Dec 3, 2008

Holy Redneck Christmas.......


I'm not quite sure if this qualifies as "redneck" or not but by definition "redneck" means "a glorious lack of sophistication" , so I guess this qualifies........

For those of you that don't remember - I live in an apartment complex. It's not bad if you forget the fact that somewhere along my application process I pissed someone off enough to stick me in the BACK of the apartment complex. Being in the back of the complex is similar to riding the short bus to school.....all the degenerates live there. I endured a summer of beer drinking hoosiers playing poor man's golf (game similar to horse shoes) in the middle of the parking lot....That was a whole other post from my previous blog, so I will not subject you to that again. My point is - I figured I was getting a break since the weather has now become far too cold for them to drink their swill (Busch Beer in a can, the ULTIMATE redneck drink of choice) and play on the blacktop. But .........sadly, I have a new reminder of their existence.....

It seems that every year that my wonderful apartment complex holds a contest....

This contest promises the winner $300.00 off their January rent, wanna guess what the contest is???





That's right, whomever has the best Christmas light display on their balcony or patio wins $300.00 off their rent. Notice I said "the best" apparently in "redneck" speak, this means "the most"..........I never in my wildest imagination thought someone could fit "25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights" - Clark Grizwald style- on a balcony that is maybe 8 ft wide and 4 ft deep. But seeing is believing and I ASSURE you it has been done...take a drive thru my little complex and make sure you leave the LSD at home........lights lights and more lights. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas lights more than anything, tastefully done that is. This is no where near tasteful. I would be willing to bet that these idiots spent MORE than $300.00 on the flashing, strobbing nightmare their balcony/patio's have become. How dumb can you be???? The redneck clan that lives in the building adajecnt to mine has enough crap on his balcony that you can barely make out what stuff is!!!! OVERKILL - at it's finest!!! It took me 20 minutes to figure out some of what they had:

4 Foot Tall GREEN Candy Cane - hung on the siding NEXT to the balcony

2 5ft Wide Red Bells

1 Huge Ass Snowflake

1 Huge Wreath of some sort

and about 5,000 lights of all kinds!!!!

That's just one of about 15 or so that are decorated so far......I'm scared to see what the future holds for the rest of them......guess I'll be digging my sunglasses back out for my drive home......

Dec 1, 2008

I know...I know..... I have been slacking a bit.....okay...a WHOLE FREAKIN' LOT!!! My apologies...seems I've taken to living life rather than writing about it!!! My bad....

I hope all of you had a super fantabulous(yeah not really a word, but I liked it!!!) Turkey Day, mine was pretty good. Went to my little brother's house for an early dinner( yeah, like NOON!!). It was my sister in law's first attempt at turkey and I am very proud to say...she did a superb job!! It's always a good day when nobody gets food poisoning!

An amazing thing happened for Turkey Day.......

Generally, I am used to be the one responsible for making and bringing what ever dessert or dish I have been commanded to bring. It usually lies on my shoulders to slave over the hot stove until midnight.


For the first time......EVER.....I got to lay on the couch and do absolutely nothing while the cooking was done for me!!! I think I died and went to heaven....I dozed on the couch, all warm and toasty. Watched TV and snored...just a little though =)......all thanks to my wonderful baking elf!!! XOXO

I, unfortunately, had to work on Friday..... Boo =(......I did not get to participate in that awe inspiring shopping frenzy know as.....


I told several people that I would NEVER EVER partake in such a cash spending frenzy !!! Truth is......

I WAS JEALOUS THEY GOT TO GO!!! I know that I really dislike crowds.......I really dislike shopping......I really detest people bumping into me for any reason with their shiny little metal shopping apparatuses (you may call them carts)....I can hear what's playing in your little brains...


It's really quite simple.....

It's a mad rush to watch mild tempered normally sweet women turn into vicious bloodsucking shopping lunatics!!!! Up until the past 6 years or so, I used to get up like the crazy people at 3 a.m. My Mother and I were annual Black Friday soldiers. We spent Thanksgiving Day scouring all the ads for the best deals, then made a list of where we wanted to go. It was like plotting a war. The first couple years, I have to admit, I was purely in it for the bargains. As time went on, my sole reason for going had nothing to do with buying anything or getting the mad deals....oh no, not at all.

I am an avid people watcher....I love to just sit back and take in the people around me. I can tell you that the best time for such an activity is Black Friday. For anyone who has NO IDEA what I mean, let me give you a bit of a run down:

3 AM - Get up, get dressed (don't worry bout showering-cause you'll need another when you return from the war zone), grab the nearest "non coffee" source of caffeine and drink about a gallon of it. Organize your charts and weapons(cell phone, credit card, debit card, list...etc) and get the car motor running and go....

3:30 AM - Drop your counter part off at the door so they can grab your place in line and then drive around the parking lot a million times until you find a place to park (It's easier now!! We got a Handicap placard!!! Front row parking baby!!! Yes I realize how wrong that is but on any normal day, I wouldn't even consider it, but BLACK FRIDAY is not that day.)

When you get out of the car, take a few moments to look around at the various people waiting. Here's what you see:

Aww...there's a sweet little grandma all bundled up, leaning on her cane as she holds the arm of a daughter or granddaughter. She looks so sweet and innocent....She catches you looking at her and she smiles back at you with that little granny smile full of warmth and eyes twinkling. Behind Granny is a young mom with a stroller. She is humming sweetly and talking quietly to the little one. People are chatting, being friendly, sharing the "Pre-Christmas" spirit. You half expect them to all break out in Christmas carols together........But DO not fool's all about to change.........

4 AM - Suddenly it's silent.......everyone listening for that "click" that signifies doors being unlocked....all is quiet.....a soft tinkling can now be heard...this is the sound they have been waiting for...KEYS...then suddenly, it happens:


That single little noise controls everything......people start to morph and you are now being transported to what you are sure is an alternate universe. That sweet little Granny who needed the cane to steady herself is now using said cane to prod and push people through the door and raising it above her head like a Star Wars character with a light saber and trying to run down the aisle. That sweet smile and those twinkling eyes are now evil and malicious...daring you to step foot in front of her...She now looks like Darth Vader on crack and in a dress......Remember the sweet little mom with the baby stroller cooing and humming? HA!! Think again!! There's no baby in that thing, she's now grunting and drooling and using that thing as a ramming device to shove people out of the way!!! All of these Christmas spirited people who you swore were gonna hold hands and sing are now enemies.....glaring at each other....doing tug of war with various sale items because it's the last one. There is No Christmas spirit here folks...just unadulterated greed....It's amazing to me the amount of energy these people expel!! If have seen it, you know EXACTLY what I mean......If you haven't, then you need to at least once in your life to truly appreciate the magnitude of what happens!!!


Moving on.........

I was starting to have a really hard time looking forward to the holidays, so much had happened this year that you kind of want it to just be over already. I know there's a few of you that feel the same. I realized something though, thinking about all that I did this weekend. I realized - There are lots of little things that make everyday worth experiencing and take it all in when you get the chance.

My wonderful BF suprised me on Friday. He did something no one else had ever done for me. I love Christmas lights, and anyone that knows me.....well knows that very well. After I got off work Friday, he shuffled me to the car and started to drive. I asked several times where we were going....."It's a surprise" was the answer.......after about 20 minutes or so of driving....we arrived.

I couldn't believe my eyes.......

In front of me was the biggest display of Christmas lights I have seen. They were beautiful. I felt like I was 5 again. As we drove through, I stared in awe at all the displays - there were skating bears, skiing mice, snowball fighting snowmen, elves making toys. There were gingerbread houses and lights of every color hanging from trees, wrapping around trees and making everything sparkly and beautiful. It was just what I needed. I feel so lucky to have someone that really pays attention to me....I won't forget it =)

I know you all have tears in your eyes =)

I promise I will make an effort to be more frequent on my updates if you people will.......


Nov 7, 2008

Halloween Pics...part 2

This silly thing only let's me put a few pics on at a time.

Dan really thought he was gonna fix it....he killed it


Guarding the keg!!!! I wouldn't wanna take her on....

LOVE Cassie's carving jobs!!! AWESOME

Great time was had by all!!!!

Halloween Pics

I know it's a bit late but here's some pics from Mark & Cassie's Halloween bash!!

Joe and Mark were really tryin' to tear this up!!

Cassie & Slash?? I think he put on a little insulation!!!

Awww....aren't Stan & Melinda cute??

Cassie muggin' for the camera.....YET AGAIN!!!!

Happy Hookerween!!!!

In case you're wondering....there is a point to Mark's costume

Me & My Garden Gnome =)

THIS is what happens when boys play with lawn mowers.....