Okay.......so I have been slacking a bit.....okay...a WHOLE FREAKIN' LOT!!! My apologies...seems I've taken to living life rather than writing about it!!! My bad....
I hope all of you had a super fantabulous(yeah not really a word, but I liked it!!!) Turkey Day, mine was pretty good. Went to my little brother's house for an early dinner( yeah, like NOON!!). It was my sister in law's first attempt at turkey and I am very proud to say...she did a superb job!! It's always a good day when nobody gets food poisoning!
An amazing thing happened for Turkey Day.......
Generally, I am used to be the one responsible for making and bringing what ever dessert or dish I have been commanded to bring. It usually lies on my shoulders to slave over the hot stove until midnight.
For the first time......EVER.....I got to lay on the couch and do absolutely nothing while the cooking was done for me!!! I think I died and went to heaven....I dozed on the couch, all warm and toasty. Watched TV and snored...just a little though =)......all thanks to my wonderful baking elf!!! XOXO
I, unfortunately, had to work on Friday..... Boo =(......I did not get to participate in that awe inspiring shopping frenzy know as.....
I told several people that I would NEVER EVER partake in such a cash spending frenzy !!! Truth is......
Okay....so I know that I really dislike crowds.......I really dislike shopping......I really detest people bumping into me for any reason with their shiny little metal shopping apparatuses (you may call them carts)....I can hear what's playing in your little brains...
It's really quite simple.....
It's a mad rush to watch mild tempered normally sweet women turn into vicious bloodsucking shopping lunatics!!!! Up until the past 6 years or so, I used to get up like the crazy people at 3 a.m. My Mother and I were annual Black Friday soldiers. We spent Thanksgiving Day scouring all the ads for the best deals, then made a list of where we wanted to go. It was like plotting a war. The first couple years, I have to admit, I was purely in it for the bargains. As time went on, my sole reason for going had nothing to do with buying anything or getting the mad deals....oh no, not at all.
I am an avid people watcher....I love to just sit back and take in the people around me. I can tell you that the best time for such an activity is Black Friday. For anyone who has NO IDEA what I mean, let me give you a bit of a run down:
3 AM - Get up, get dressed (don't worry bout showering-cause you'll need another when you return from the war zone), grab the nearest "non coffee" source of caffeine and drink about a gallon of it. Organize your charts and weapons(cell phone, credit card, debit card, list...etc) and get the car motor running and go....
3:30 AM - Drop your counter part off at the door so they can grab your place in line and then drive around the parking lot a million times until you find a place to park (It's easier now!! We got a Handicap placard!!! Front row parking baby!!! Yes I realize how wrong that is but on any normal day, I wouldn't even consider it, but BLACK FRIDAY is not that day.)
When you get out of the car, take a few moments to look around at the various people waiting. Here's what you see:
Aww...there's a sweet little grandma all bundled up, leaning on her cane as she holds the arm of a daughter or granddaughter. She looks so sweet and innocent....She catches you looking at her and she smiles back at you with that little granny smile full of warmth and eyes twinkling. Behind Granny is a young mom with a stroller. She is humming sweetly and talking quietly to the little one. People are chatting, being friendly, sharing the "Pre-Christmas" spirit. You half expect them to all break out in Christmas carols together........But DO not fool yourselves....it's all about to change.........
4 AM - Suddenly it's silent.......everyone listening for that "click" that signifies doors being unlocked....all is quiet.....a soft tinkling can now be heard...this is the sound they have been waiting for...KEYS...then suddenly, it happens:
That single little noise controls everything......people start to morph and you are now being transported to what you are sure is an alternate universe. That sweet little Granny who needed the cane to steady herself is now using said cane to prod and push people through the door and raising it above her head like a Star Wars character with a light saber and trying to run down the aisle. That sweet smile and those twinkling eyes are now evil and malicious...daring you to step foot in front of her...She now looks like Darth Vader on crack and in a dress......Remember the sweet little mom with the baby stroller cooing and humming? HA!! Think again!! There's no baby in that thing, she's now grunting and drooling and using that thing as a ramming device to shove people out of the way!!! All of these Christmas spirited people who you swore were gonna hold hands and sing are now enemies.....glaring at each other....doing tug of war with various sale items because it's the last one. There is No Christmas spirit here folks...just unadulterated greed....It's amazing to me the amount of energy these people expel!! If have seen it, you know EXACTLY what I mean......If you haven't, then you need to at least once in your life to truly appreciate the magnitude of what happens!!!
Moving on.........
I was starting to have a really hard time looking forward to the holidays, so much had happened this year that you kind of want it to just be over already. I know there's a few of you that feel the same. I realized something though, thinking about all that I did this weekend. I realized - There are lots of little things that make everyday worth experiencing and take it all in when you get the chance.
My wonderful BF suprised me on Friday. He did something no one else had ever done for me. I love Christmas lights, and anyone that knows me.....well knows that very well. After I got off work Friday, he shuffled me to the car and started to drive. I asked several times where we were going....."It's a surprise" was the answer.......after about 20 minutes or so of driving....we arrived.
I couldn't believe my eyes.......
In front of me was the biggest display of Christmas lights I have seen. They were beautiful. I felt like I was 5 again. As we drove through, I stared in awe at all the displays - there were skating bears, skiing mice, snowball fighting snowmen, elves making toys. There were gingerbread houses and lights of every color hanging from trees, wrapping around trees and making everything sparkly and beautiful. It was just what I needed. I feel so lucky to have someone that really pays attention to me....I won't forget it =)
I know you all have tears in your eyes =)
I promise I will make an effort to be more frequent on my updates if you people will.......
You are the first person from St Louis i know who actually knows the phrase "Black Friday". When i first moved out there, all the yah-hoos i knew in Ballwin had no clue what it was. As to what they called the day after Thanksgiving, i have no foggy clue, but when i mentioned Black Friday they all looked at me like... well like i was from another state or something, lol. Glad you enjoyed your holiday!
LOL, keep livin' the life x)
Nice pictures! :) LOL, I'd really wanna go shopping on black Friday sometime... what did you shop?
about time there was an update. geesh!!!
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