Please tell me something..........
Since WHEN did human nature manage to make us look stupid??? If you're a man and you have an answer to this - you'd be WELL advised to keep your trap shut =) and thank you in advance.....
First let me tell you exactly WHY this question is being asked.
We all know how bone chilling cold it was yesterday morning, we were all cutting glass with various parts of our bodies (and you know EXACTLY what I mean!!), but that's not where this story is going, nope not at all...
Yesterday.......I was a girl, wait let me take that back...I was human. This does not mean I was stupid, so think again....well..when I get to the story you may NOT agree with that! Here it goes:
My morning started out like any other normal morning......
Alarm went off
I hit snooze
Alarm went off
I hit snooze
Alarm went off
I decided it was time to get my lazy butt out of bed. That, and Harley (my four legged furry roommate) was giving me that "If you don't get up and put some DAMN clothes on and take my wiggly butt outside, you're gonna be sorry" look, so I decided she may be right. The last time I doubted her, I swear she grinned and promptly relieved herself on my favorite comforter......did I mention I was UNDERNEATH it??? I got up, put on my warmest puffy coat and hooked the brat to the leash. Off we went. I will have to say that Harley is the most efficient morning reliever I have ever seen. Out the door, down the stairs, feet hit the number 1 and 2 at the same time...BAM...we're done!!! Yee Haw!!Apparently SHE hates the cold as much as I do and therefore she ain't picky!!! The rest of my morning routine went off without a hitch. I got ready and bundled myself back up to face the bitter cold......
I made it out to my Jeep, started it. Let me tell you how much I DETEST the cold!! I am so not a "below 75 degree" girl. Good example - I run a heater at my desk 365 a year. That's the middle of August when you all are sweating your butts off...I am sitting right here toasting my self with a space heater~!!!!! I have already managed to kill 2 space heaters this year....... The Jeep was aboslutely freezing, my seats were like rocks. I sat there a minute letting it warm up. Teeth chattering I backed out of my spot and slowly made it out of my complex. It doesn't take long for that little Liberty to start kickin' out the heat so once I got to the road it was starting to warm inside...when I got to the road, I started hearing a whistling sound like a window was open...if any of you remember my previous blog - windows are so not something I have had luck with lately. I checked to make sure all four windows were up, and they were. Hmmm.........
I have a sunroof =)....Normally that is an extremely awesome thing. That morning, not so much. I lifted my hand up and felt a slight breeze...AH HA!!! Here was the source of my whistling. No problem, close the more whistling. Uhhhh....WRONGO!! I pushed the little button to close it.....CLUNK!! AWWW man you have GOT to be kidding me!! Here's where good ol' human nature rears it's insane head.....
The right thing to do would have been NOT TO TOUCH IT!!! It's cold outside, the sunroof is closed, except for the slight tiny crack where the whistling noise was emitting from. The little voice in the back of my brain kept repeating:
The little monster that controls my hands and fingers, well......let's just say he wasn't taking orders today. I knew better....but I did it anyway....I hit the little button with the "V" on it - for vent. That means sunroof doesn't open, just the back part lifts up for air - in case you didn't worked fine...vented it was =)...Then once again, I hit the little close button. I closed my eyes and prayed.....
CLUNK - Again..this time it was more awful sounding than the last.....not to mention now the damn thing was stuck open.....out went the came the cold....If only I would have left it alone....UGH!!!! It's kind of like driving by a horrible accident - you know you shouldn't look, but you just can't help it. I believe it's called human nature...Here's where I had to laugh at myself. I got to work and I was furious at myself. I pulled into my parking spot and thinking it "may have just needed a rest or something" ....I tried the damn sunroof again. I hit the buttons - same result....suprised??? Yeah, I didn't think so....
Guess what I did next!!! Like I even had any idea what I was looking for....I opened the Jeep door stood inside and tried to see why it wouldn't close!!!! that WOULD fix it???? As if looking at it would will it to work.....I got back in the Jeep and tried it AGAIN!!! I kept hoping it was just a fluke thing and would work in a minute....................
I called Southtown Dodge.
I took it in this morning and they had to order a new sunroof for it. They also tried to sell me lots of service crap....Do they only do this to women??? Are we supposed to be stupid??? DON'T ANSWER THAT!!!! THEY don't know what's wrong with the sunroof..........but I bet I KNOW what broke it......... =)
Wanna guess???
Ok but don't tell anyone.........
I think it was FROZEN!!! Did I tell you I lacked patience???
Patience Grasshopper. Only you would break a frozen sunroof. Heck, my sunroof survived being pelted with hail stones the size of softballs, remind me to make sure you keep your fingers off the window controls, lol. Remember, patience is a virtue and not all of us are as virtuous as we'd think we are, lol. ;->
I have no virtures!!!
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