Is there some national or world water shortage going on that I am NOT aware of??? There almost has to has to be the ONLY reason for me to be writing about what I am today.......if not, then people are just plain gross.
I debated on whether or not to write about this, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I got!!! It doesn't make sense to me, and you are probably REALLY wondering what the hell I'm talking about....and I'm about to tell you......
I work in a public building. The restrooms we use are used by our customers every once in a while......SO.....I want to know WHY people, when using a public restroom, can't or won't flush?!?!?
Do they think they're doing the planet a service by conserving water???
NO!! There isn't any water shortage that I'M aware of!!!
Do they think people that follow are dying to see what they did - like a kindergartner coming home with a macaroni necklace???
Is it laziness???
PLEASE tell me exactly how much energy it takes to place your finger on the little lever and push?? NOT MUCH!!!
Or is it that we have become SO spoiled and dependant on modern technology(you know, the auto flushers) that we don't even bother????
It's just plain SAD!!!!
I don't think that it's too much to ask to make SURE your eliminations are dealt with properly!!!! Turn around, look, flush. End of story. I do NOT want to come in behind you and see what you have done. I don't need to, definitely DO NOT want to!!! EWWWW...........It's not like when you were a baby and everyone wanted to see your doody!!! It's sick, it's gross, and UNCALLED for!!!
Seriously??? If the same people that do this crap in public restrooms, do they do it at home??? Is there some - You have to use the bathroom 2x before flushing rule?? I HIGHLY doubt it!!! They need to try using the same consideration when they're out that they use at home!!!
I guess you can count this as my - PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - for the month!!!
Maybe it was somebodys grandpa...
Maybe it was the Christmas Poo from Southpark "Highty Ho"
Amen to that! i hear you. For months the guys i worked with raved about "the phantom pooper". Someone in the office who left monsters in the bowl and failed to flush. They were like little kids, running back and forth, taking pictures. It's just plain gross! Common courtesy to everyone.... flush flush flush.
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